Nick Johnson

About Nick Johnson
My name is Nick Johnson. I'm an artist who works with the style of Anime/Manga and also cosplay. Anime/Manga is an art style with fiction and non-fiction characters. Anime/Manga is like an offspring of cartoon characters that’s geared toward an adult audience. For an example, Dragon Ball Z, Trigun, The King of Fighters, Attack on Titan, ect. Anime is a TV show and Manga is a book that look more like comics but in Japanese form. For the anime/manga part I'm currently working on a book that is 20 years in the making. The title of my book is BABYLON.
I also work with cosplay which is the practice of dressing up as a character from a movie, book or video game. I make my costume designs and armor building with a unique material call EVA Foam. EVA Foam is a type of Foam that fits on each other like a puzzle piece for gym floors. The tools I use to make costumes from EVA are scissor, hot glue, razors, dremel drill, spray paints and rulers. With these tools I can make armor look more like steel without the weight. I love working with these materials due to its durability strength and it brings my drawings to life.
When I'm not doing art I also love gaming which one day, I hope to reach my goal to creating BABYLON a video game/anime/book a reality.